When Naperville Was a ‘Sundown Town’ (LWV Naperville)


Sundown laws, which restricted or forbade the presence of Black Americans in certain towns after sunset, were not uncommon before the Civil Rights era. For a time, Naperville also had a sundown policy. LWV Naperville's Ideas Forum will focus on Naperville's history of sunset laws, as researched by a group of North Central College students mentored by associate professor of criminology Raleigh Blasdell.

Moderator Training (LWVIL)

Interested in learning the techniques for moderating an efficient and effective League candidate forum in the current atmosphere? While the rules have not changed much, the challenges of conducting a fair and cordial forum have. Whether you’ve gone through League training previously or are new to the position, join us for this essential updated training. Registration required. You must be a League member to attend. Register to attend. https://lwvil.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/lwvil/eventRegistration.jsp?event=744&

Lunch & Learn: Legislative Interviews (LWVIL)

LWVIL Issues & Advocacy's monthly Lunch & Learn series will next discuss how to conduct an effective legislative interview from LWVIL Issues Specialist Donna Limper. This program is open only to League members. Register. https://pj67ludab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001_EgAfxSkARr4nGkQQuP0f279te1Dm3Dd-P4uK17aA5It1MZLlmvq4_U_63M-doxra_904vfgtQpJNXHCH__l387atFJZSEPgmjP56wuI3pGEyvzlttQ2OhBuQhALA3evCql_50Raped4CSkjS2zeMZy3M5BhjTnw6gyrDHkRcNsyIod_KeIdAh1m0Pq0N-dWfrF5PSZHcJZMHrgg5LcaNw1f5O57zjNqwIgwjqDte7Sdvvf2DczglQ==&c=kAadBWtljs1fpx7z4v6ZjjlipeEebkKN-342p0TjqvSjEVxKlLqpPw==&ch=Zg55m4VXssm9FXLlTmLCWI0r5sJVhPVTiLfBFzaf0dqDJuGC701zqA==

Light For Our Democracy in Rockford, IL (LWV Greater Rockford)

Rockford City Hall Lobby 425 E State St, Rockford, IL, United States

Our Light for Our Democracy gathering is an opportunity for community reflection, action, and solidarity. Rather than watching the address, this event will offer a space to engage in meaningful activities, including speeches, “candle” lighting, sign-making, and postcard writing.

THE JUDICIARY with Illinois Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth M. Rochford (LWV Lake County)


Illinois Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth M. Rochford will introduce us to the judiciary system and share her experience in the Illinois courts. Hear about similarities and differences with the federal level. This event is open only to League members. Register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_c2HgvymYTC22PjO6adrOPA zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_c2HgvymYTC22PjO6adrOPA https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_c2HgvymYTC22PjO6adrOPA , where you can submit a question for the Justice. ABOUT THE SPEAKER After years as a practicing attorney, Justice Rochford was appointed as Associate Judge of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, Lake County in December 2012. She was elected to the Illinois Supreme Court from the Second Judicial District in 2022. Justice Rochford is active in [...]

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