About LWVelginarea

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So far LWVelginarea has created 842 blog entries.

April 2023 Consolidated Election Questionnaire from Village of East Dundee Trustee Candidate Scott Kunze

    Name: Scott Kunze Position for which you are a candidate: Village of East Dundee Trustee   Why are you seeking this position? To continue serving residents first in East Dundee.  As a Trustee my priorities are community outreach, staying connected to residents, and making sure services are maintained while taxes are as low as possible. During my time on the board I have made it a priority to stay connected to the residents of the Village by making myself available by phone, email, or face to face meetings.  I try and keep the public informed with what is [...]

By |2023-02-16T11:45:34-06:00February 16th, 2023|

April 2023 Consolidated Election Questionnaire from School District U-46 Board Candidate Heather Manzella

    Name: Heather Manzella Position for which you are a candidate: School District U-46 Board   Why are you seeking this position? I am running for school board because I believe that I can help U-46 do better by its students. Students need advocates who have their best interest at heart. Students need a curriculum that provides them the opportunity to excel academically and the opportunities to become productive members of society. Students need to be the focus of education, not laws, teachers, and administration. What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position? I [...]

By |2023-02-16T11:42:15-06:00February 16th, 2023|

April 2023 Consolidated Election Questionnaire from Village of West Dundee Trustee Candidate Andrew Yuscka

    Name: Andrew Yuscka Position for which you are a candidate: Village of West Dundee Trustee   Why are you seeking this position? Having served on the Village Board since 1999, I have always been a participating member of the Board that welcomes diverse opinions. I am very proud of the collaborative efforts that come from the combination of the Village's elected officials and employees. Issues are thoroughly discussed prior to decisions and votes being taken. The decisions that have been made result in the very strong community-minded and fiscally responsible organization that we have. I believe that this [...]

By |2023-02-16T11:40:07-06:00February 16th, 2023|

April 2023 Consolidated Election Questionnaire from School District U-46 Board Candidate Susan Kerr

    Name: Susan Kerr Position for which you are a candidate: School District U-46 Board   Why are you seeking this position? I am running for my third term because the district has major initiatives that I would like to see completed. These include (1) The selection of a new superintendent (2) The transition to a grade 6-8 middle school and the expansion of pre-school.  This will involve curricular revisions, support for teachers and students, and boundary changes. (3) The expansion of U-46 rising, an initiative which is bringing rigor, collaboration, and critical thinking into the classroom.  I have [...]

By |2023-02-16T11:55:07-06:00February 16th, 2023|
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