Name: Heather Manzella

Position for which you are a candidate: School District U-46 Board


Why are you seeking this position?

I am running for school board because I believe that I can help U-46 do better by its students. Students need advocates who have their best interest at heart. Students need a curriculum that provides them the opportunity to excel academically and the opportunities to become productive members of society. Students need to be the focus of education, not laws, teachers, and administration.

What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

I have been an educator since 1996, in both public and private capacities. A product of public education for K-12, I went on to earn a masters in education, and have taught many populations in a variety of districts.

What will be your highest priorities if elected?

Academic growth, student, safety, appropriate and challenging curriculum, transparency, and greater organizational efficiency are my highest priorities. Ensuring an environment for learning and growth were each student can reach their highest level of potential is key.


Will you be attending the Candidate Night?  Yes


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Elections and voting are core concerns for the League of Women Voters. Year in and year out, Leagues are committed to providing fact-based information about issues and the positions candidates take on those issues to help voters make their own decisions and participate in the process.

The League of Women Voters never supports or opposes candidates for office or political parties. Any use of the League of Women Voters name in campaign advertising or literature has not been authorized by the League.