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The League of Women Voters of the Elgin Area, in partnership with the YWCA Elgin, will present a non-partisan 1-day workshop on “How to Run for Office ~ A Woman’s Focus”.

According to the New York Daily News, January 29, 2018:

“This year is gearing up to easily eclipse 1992 as the “Year of the Woman” in American government with 526 female challengers and incumbents … setting their sights on the November midterm elections.”

Running for local office or helping manage a campaign is an opportunity to become involved and make a difference in your community. If you have even considered running for office, a small investment of your time now can empower you with the knowledge needed to make the leap into politics.

On Saturday, September 15, 2018, from 9 am to 3 pm at the YWCA Elgin you will get a chance to learn about what it takes to run for local office. We begin our session by rating yourself as a potential candidate, what you need to know about circulating nomination petitions, organizing the campaign, messaging, political ethics and finding informational resources.

This workshop is non-partisan and open to all. Many of our previous year’s attendees have won their local elections.

The cost of this workshop is $30 and includes a box lunch.

Reservations must be made by September 7, 2018.

To register, please visit www.ywcaelgin.org or call the YWCA Elgin at 847.742.7930.

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