Who is on the ballot in the next election? How to register to vote? What are the results of an election?…and more

November 2020 General Election Questionnaire from Illinois Representative District 65 Candidate Martha Paschke

Name: Martha Paschke Position for which you are a candidate: Illinois Representative District 65 Why are you seeking this position? I want to be the next Representative for the 65th House district because I know the people in my district and I know their needs - affordable and accessible mental health care, safety for their children, job opportunities, relief from the overwhelming cost of higher education, and prescription drug and healthcare plans that don’t force them into tough decisions. I see these problems facing the people in my district, and when I see a problem, I get active and work [...]

By |2020-09-26T11:04:57-05:00September 17th, 2020|

November 2020 General Election Questionnaire from Kane County States Attorney Candidate Bob Spence

Name: Bob Spence Position for which you are a candidate: Kane County States Attorney Why are you seeking this position? I believe that this position is about serving the community. I have unique experience that allows me to serve in a unique way, and that experience is unmatched by my opponent. This position is all about seeking justice, both for the guilty and for the innocent. Kane County needs a chief prosecutor who will ensure that the guilty do not go free . . . but also that the innocent are not convicted. What experience and background do you have [...]

By |2020-09-26T11:05:54-05:00September 17th, 2020|

November 2020 General Election Questionnaire from Kane County Board Chairman Candidate Corinne M. Pierog

Name: Corinne M. Pierog Position for which you are a candidate: Kane County Board Chairman Why are you seeking this position? I have been a resident of Kane County for the past twenty years. To many of us, the County government seemed to be on autopilot. But, during the last eight years, I have noticed not only a decrease in services, but also an increasing sense of frustration within due to divisive management, and financial duress due to an austere budget. As a candidate, I stand as an independent voice, whose support comes from the community, not solely from an [...]

By |2020-09-26T11:06:07-05:00September 10th, 2020|

November 2020 General Election Questionnaire from Illinois Representative District 66 Candidate Suzanne Ness

Name: Suzanne Ness Position for which you are a candidate: Illinois Representative District 66 Why are you seeking this position? After the 2016 election, I went to the first Women’s March in Washington DC. I was inspired by all the speakers there and specifically Michael Moore. Michael Moore said “to all you women out there, if not you then who?”. I realized that was my call to public service. After successfully winning my 2018 campaign for McHenry County Board District 2, I noticed a massive lack of leadership on a state-level in our District. We need someone who will fight [...]

By |2020-09-26T11:06:17-05:00September 10th, 2020|
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