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The purpose of the panel discussion is to inform citizens about the Winnebago county proposition on the November 5th ballot:
“Proposition to extend a ½ percent special county retailers; occupation tax (sales tax) for mental health purposes.
To pay for mental health purposes, shall the county of Winnebago be authorized to extend an increase on its share of local sales taxes by one-half (½) percent not to exceed five (5) years, effective July 1, 2026”
Wally Haas, Executive Director of Transform Rockford will moderate the panel.
The panelists are:
· Tim Nabors, Winnebago County Board
· Sue Schroeder, Stepping Stones
· Terry White, Crusader Community Health
There will be time for Q&A.
The panel will be immediately followed by a candidate meet and greet.
Co-hosted by: Eliminate Racism 815, AAUW, AKA and League of Women Voters of Greater Rockford.

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