Name: Vern Tepe

Position for which you are a candidate: Kane County Board District 22

Why are you seeking this position?

I’m running for re-election to the Kane County Board – District 22, on the West side of Elgin. When I first ran for this office, I stated that my main objectives will be to: •Advocate for renewable energy; (We now have a Solar Field at Judicial Center) •Improve and enhance resources to address mental health issues (Have funded Health Department & various agencies in the county) • Expand services for seniors (Worked with Sr Services and Animal Control to provide FREE services for Seniors) • Provide clean and affordable water throughout the county. (Have expanded water services & testing).
In the next few years, Kane County’s finances will be even more challenging. In 2025 we will finance a large portion of the budget ($29 million) with RESERVES. This CAN NOT CONTINUE!

What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

I have an extensive business background in technology. This has given me experience in managing people, establishing and meeting objectives, and in fiscal responsibility. I served on the Elgin Township Board from 2016-2020. I am also a past Board Member of Family Service Association of Elgin, an organization that provides Mental Health Services to Children.
I was originally elected to the Kane County Board in November of 2020. I was re-elected in 2022. In 2022, I was selected, by my peers, to be Kane County’s Vice Chair. In that position I have been involved in virtually all of the key issues that arise in the county. I’m often tasked by the Chair to see that a particular issue is properly resolved.

What will be your highest priorities if elected?

The most pressing issue is the budget and county income.
County Finances are complicated. Our 2025 total budget is about $415 million. Much of it is paid for by State, Federal, and grant funds. Only about $60 (1/5th) million comes from Real Estate Taxes, and the county portion of your RE Taxes is only 4% of your tax amount.
The key fund that pays most of our people is the General Fund. Its budget is about $160 million. That funding comes from RE Taxes, Sales Tax, Fuel Tax, and county fees.
Preliminary 2025 budget numbers had us showing a $35 million deficit. And for 2026, the estimate is $40 million. By using COVID Funds and some budget cuts, we have reduced the deficit to about $29 million for 2025.
Increases are due to inflation and staffing. We need more revenue to provide our mandated services and properly service the residents of Kane County.
Our proposed solution is to have a Sales Tax Referendum on the Municipal ballot on April 1, 2025 for a .75% sales tax increase. That will bring in $51 million/year.
But, if that fails, we will have no choice but to make severe cuts to personnel and services. At least 150 people would be laid off – which would severely impact morale and services.
Pass or fail, I will be prepared to assist in addressing this issue.

I will participate in the candidate meet & greet:




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