Name: Cherryl Fritz Strathmann

Position for which you are a candidate: Kane County Board District 20

Why are you seeking this position?

I am the incumbent seeking my third term on the Board. I am a long-time Elgin resident who has always been active and engaged in my community. I have been involved in such programs as Citizens Advisory Council, was a Girl Scout Leader, and a Docent for the Forest Preserve. Since 2012, I have been a Master Gardner through the University of Illinois, Extension program. I have also been active the Elgin Historical House Walk, both as a homeowner and as a docent. I have been active politically but never thought I would run for any office. In 2019, I was asked by State Senator Cristina Castro to run for Kane Co. Board. After some I careful consideration, I decided to give it a try. I have found I very much like serving on the
Board, and would like to continue my time there. There is so much more to do.

What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

As the incumbent, I have 4 years of experience on the Board. And there has been a lot happening over the last four years. We have built solar fields at the Judicial Campus, which will see a savings to the citizens of $20 million over the next 10 years. We were able to secure funding to pay off the bonds and remove the toll on Longmeadow Bridge, resulting in an eventual savings of $30 million. We have worked to buy a building in Elgin, that will serve as a satellite Public Health Building for the Northern part of Kane County and will also house a satellite office for the County Clerk and Court Services. Before I was on the Board, I was a small business owner for 30 years in Elgin. My children and I are all products of Elgin schools and started our college educations at ECC. I know and love my community. It is my greatest honor to serve on the Board.

What will be your highest priorities if elected?

My highest priorities will continue to be to serve the people of Kane County in innovative and cost- effective ways. Our County is a richly diverse community, not only in our peoples, but also in our urban, suburban, and rural areas. I will continue to listen to my constituents and help find solutions and a way forward for the betterment of us all, and not at the expense of the working and low- income class folks. I am Chair of the Public Health committee, and under my leadership, we have started a Gun Lock safety program free to residents, making sure guns are secured in the home. and have worked to place vending machines in public places for free access to naloxone to help in Fentanyl overdose situations. I also sit on the Opioid Allocation Agreement Committee and will help to set up programs to address Illinois’ opioid crises and its collateral damage. Mental Health continues to be a priority so that we can identify the needs and look for solutions to help our residents, whether young, or old, or returning vets, or young families in need. My first responsibility is to be a good communicator, and available to my constituents.

I will participate in the candidate meet & greet:




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