Name: Kathleen Kate Thommes

Position for which you are a candidate: School District U-46 Board


Why are you seeking this position?

I am running for re-election to the U-46 Board of Education because first and foremost, I am an educator.  My undergraduate degree is in Education and my very first teaching job was in U-46, at Eastview, in 1998.  There I learned the craft of teaching and the important role U-46 plays in our communities. Since then, I went on to have three children (all of whom attend or are attending U-46 schools), earn two Master’s Degrees (MAT and Masters in TESOL), teach at Elgin Community College, and find a home for my family in both Elgin and U-46.  I have worked hard to become well informed about all the parts of U-46. On the Board, I have learned about school finance, continued growing my knowledge about curriculum, and worked to further U-46’s diversity, equity, and inclusion. Prior to being on the Board of Education, I was active in CAC as well as a regular volunteer in my children’s schools. Today, I am on the Larkin Boosters and enjoy volunteering there.  I feel like I have made a difference during my time on the U-46 Board of Education and would be honored to continue to do so.

What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

As I stated above, I am uniquely qualified to be on the U-46 Board of Education because I am (or have been) a U-46 educator, ETA member, a parent in U-46, a taxpayer, a community member, and a present member of the Board of Education. I have multiple degrees in education.  I have devoted my working life to education.  I have worked to further my skills in equity, diversity, and inclusion.  I am a parent to students who have had IEPs, 504s as well as been in Academies, Dual Language, AP classes, band, orchestra, and athletic teams. I pay a tax bill, negotiate bus schedules, and attend parent-teacher conferences on a regular basis.  I am integrated into our communities as well as a devoted member who wants to see our students, schools, staff, and district thrive. If re-elected, I will be able to help our district grow the programs and initiatives we have started. Our work with Unite U-46 is not finished. Our work to make U-46 a place where all truly means all is not done yet.  I would be honored to have the privilege of continuing to work to make that happen.

What will be your highest priorities if elected?

My highest priorities will continue to be what they have been since I started in U-46 as a slightly overwhelmed first year teacher.  I will work to make sure each student receives a quality education that prepares them for the greater world.  In 2023, that looks like continuing the work of Unite U-46 as well as other initiatives. We need to diversify our staff, materials, and curriculum.  We need to ensure our students are in functioning equitable classrooms with the supplies they need.  We need to be sure our classrooms are led by teachers who reflect the ethnic make-up of our communities. I will work to continue to operate under a balanced budget keeping  tax increases as low as possible.  I will work to ensure that our curriculum reflects the jobs, careers, and opportunities our students will have in the future.  Our highest priorities need to remain our students; all of our students.  Additionally, our teachers, paras, and other staff need to know that they are our greatest resources. They have brought us through a pandemic and we need to continue to work to be sure they have the resources and support they need to be most effective.  In turn, our students will succeed after they leave our doors and take on the world.


Will you be attending the Candidate Night?  Yes


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