Name: Karin Jones

Position for which you are a candidate: Elgin City Council


Why are you seeking this position?

I think community apathy and lack of engagement are creating a false sense of priorities among some current council members. Some current council members send messages to our community that create trust issues and divisiveness. This leadership style is detrimental to our community, image, and progress.  The reality is that lacking the ability to gather consensus and collaborate productively will continue to hold Elgin back. As a Council member, I aspire always to work to improve, collaborate & enhance Elgin. I hope to work on getting more community engagement and hearing all of the creative ideas and ways to meet the needs. Differences of opinion are given. Respecting the views of others is a must. Acknowledging one another’s strengths and weaknesses is a gift. I want the opportunity to bring a positive light to our residents and stay focused on priorities that will improve Elgin and serve everyone in our community. I would like to see council members working as a “we” team, not a “me” team.

What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

I am a small business owner, mom, homeowner, and lifelong Elgin resident that has been actively engaged in all things Elgin for many years. This has provided me with knowledge of many aspects of our City and experience in multiple levels/forms of management.  My day job requires a broad understanding of contractual agreements,  business operations for a large commercial base, compliance requests, residential needs, and negotiating skills.  I also have the experience of currently serving or have served on several boards for various organizations tasked with economic development, taxing/funding mechanisms, planning & zoning, budgeting, child care, religion, and youth activities. I recognize that I am only a tiny part of these organizations and how important it is to leverage experts in their fields and fellow committee members to determine the best policy at creation time. I plan to bring that same style and leadership to the City Council. I am open-minded and strive to work towards consensus and best practices most ethical and honest way possible.

What will be your highest priorities if elected?

* Strong Public Safety, keeping Elgin at the forefront with innovative practices and policies. (Police, Fire, Public Works, Water, Parks & Rec) Making Elgin THE City where the best of the best want to work, play, represent, and live.

* Community engagement and customer service. Elgin currently is only hearing

regularly from a minuscule segment of residents. This is a disservice to most of our community, and we must address it. We need to tap into City staff with the most direct contact with residents & businesses and work to hear more voices.

*Economic Development. Continued investment in our partner relationships, creating quality purchase of service agreements and enhancing collaboration of all involved.

* Identifying & engaging in a sustainability initiative that will educate our community and can be easily implemented and identified with meaningful results.


Will you be attending the Candidate Night?  Yes


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