Name: Chris Lauzen

Position for which you are a candidate: Kane County Treasurer


Why are you seeking this position?

On behalf of Kane County taxpayers, in addition to executing the statutory duties of the office, I’m running for Treasurer to increase interest earned on our county investment savings, to help Board Members who wish to reduce unnecessary spending, and to implement treasury management national best practices.

My particular motivating issue is reducing the strain of higher property taxes on homeowners and small business owners, as I did as Kane County Chairman.  If elected, my top three priorities will be:

  1. Earn an extra $2,000,000 more (!) in interest income per year than is currently being earned on our saving accounts.
  2. Serve as “taxpayer advocate” to minimize wasteful government spending by providing taxpayers and County Board members with accurate and understandable information about tax revenue and expenditures. And, if elected, our team will assist property taxpayers in using every legal exemption and deduction they’re entitled to.
  3. Gather and implement county treasury management national best practices by maintaining and strengthening our competent and productive staff serving Kane County.

Please visit for more details and stay connected at Facebook@Chris Lauzen.


What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

My education and certification have been focused from the beginning on accounting, finance, and management as an honors graduate (cum laude) from Duke University, successful applicant through a three-day certified public accountant (CPA) examination by the University of Illinois, and MBA from Harvard Business School.

I learned the true meaning of service during 10 years of private industry experience starting an accounting/tax firm with my wife, Sarah; growing it to serve more than 200 monthly small businesses;  then, successfully selling it.

During the 8 years you elected me to serve as County Board Chairman and Chief Administrator, we proved that together we could meet all of our services and financial obligations without asking you for more:

  • Froze property tax levy of County and Forest Preserve,
  • Reduced debt by 70%,
  • Fully-funded pension obligations at 98%, and
  • 100% transparency of all finances and appointments.

I bring a unique background of knowing the intricacies of legislative processes and state/federal statutes by serving for 20 years in the Illinois State Senate on all the financial committees and as co-chairman of the Bi-Partisan Legislative Audit Commission.

Very importantly, working with a previous county treasurer, we helped pass a law that empowers  treasurers to use highest-grade, short-term corporate bonds to improve returns on county investments . . . an advantage for taxpayers currently not being used in Kane County(!).


What will be your highest priorities if elected?

Within Illinois State Statutes and Kane County Financial Policy Guidelines, earn for county taxpayers an extra $2,000,000 more in interest income per year (!).

The $250,000,000+ in County investment reserves/cash accounts represent our collective county taxpayer “life savings”.  Up until April of this year, the County’s current administration was earning approximately only one-half (1/2) of one penny of interest for the entire previous year (0.005) on those investment reserves.  This is unacceptable.

I am running to correct this deficiency.

It is only the first (and easiest) step to know WHAT to do in our current situation.  Even more important is to know HOW to do it and WHO to ask for help.

We need to “open the books” and ask for outside help.

Based on my experience and performance as a successful small business tax accountant and certified public accountant (CPA), service in the Illinois State Senate, and Kane County Board Chairman, Gwen Henry the 16-year distinguished DuPage County Treasurer invited me to participate in the evaluation and selection process for her investment advisers in 2022.  I will build upon that WHAT, HOW, and WHO.

Visit and Facebook@ChrisLauzen.


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