Name: Christopher Nelson

Position for which you are a candidate: West Dundee President


Why are you seeking this position?

Since being elected as village president in 2013, I have exhibited an ability to work effectively with my fellow elected officials, village staff, neighboring communities, community-based organizations, and residents. As we begin to see the beginnings of a post-pandemic era, I feel that my experience in the public and private sectors and my collaborative leadership style will be key to guiding our community into a future marked by a challenging, recent past.


What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

In addition to serving as village president in West Dundee for the past eight (8) years, I possess a master’s degree in urban management and 28 years of work experience in both the public and private sectors. Moreover, I have served on several local boards and commissions, including the Illinois Municipal League (IML) and the Boys and Girls Club of Dundee Township. I have demonstrated my ability to work within the community to effect positive outcomes, and I have a strong desire to continue to do so.


What will be your highest priorities if elected?

Keep taxes low. West Dundee maintains the lowest effective tax rate among all of our neighboring communities. The plan is to keep it that way through thoughtful economic development and efficient service delivery–as has been done through my first two terms in office.

Keep service levels high. Excellent community development, public works, and public safety services define West Dundee. The Village Board and I have sought to ensure that the delivery of such services remain at the high level that residents demand while keeping an eye on the bottom line.

Keep the future bright. There are critical development opportunities in front of us in the Spring Hill Mall area, along the Route 31 corridor, and on Randall Road. Developing these areas will require skill, experience, and collaboration—the outcomes of which will define the community for decades to come. Our plan is to continue to seek the highest and best uses for these regions to ensure that the community standards are met and that the village evolves positively.



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