Name: William Olson

Position for which you are a candidate:

US Congressional District 8

Why are you seeking this position?

I’m standing for the US Congress as an expression of rights adhering speech and peaceful assembly, and to share with neighbors that I will never consent to a rule of which incarcerates children or condones fraud. We have a Democratic incumbent from the 8th district moreover who has authored only one bill that has become a public law, which renamed a post office in Bloomingdale, yet by a craven hypocrisy he takes money from Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrup Grumman and AAR Corporation–all manufacturers of war materials. Our political circumstances are severe, our discourse has become vulgar, and it is incumbent upon us all to denounce and rid from our Congress its members who admit as a matter of expediency the pernicious effects of corporate interests in our lawmaking.

What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

I’m over 25 years old and am a citizen of Illinois.

What will be your highest priorities if elected?

If elected, I would be but 1 of 535 votes in a Congress as derelict as it is ineffective. Yet I will prioritize several bills I have authored, including a bill to establish an uniform rule of naturalization, a bill which gives monetary expression to investments in environmental remediation and renewable energies as described in Green New Deal resolutions, and a bill to ban the manufacture of firearms for civilian use. As a member of Congress, I will insist upon congressional subpoenas for Jefferson B Sessions III, Jared Kushner, and Ivana Trump, among others, and I will demand an audit of the Department of Defense. There is also a matter of redressing an obscenity of governance who presumes power of presidency and rollicks to tune of assassinations in Iraq and barbarism at our borders.

Will you attend the February 19th Elgin Candidate Forum? Yes, I will attend the forum

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Elections and voting are core concerns for the League of Women Voters. Year in and year out, Leagues are committed to providing fact-based information about issues and the positions candidates take on those issues to help voters make their own decisions and participate in the process.

The League of Women Voters never supports or opposes candidates for office or political parties. Any use of the League of Women Voters name in campaign advertising or literature has not been authorized by the League.