Name: Elissa Kojzarek


Gilberts Trustee

Why are you seeking this position?

I have learned a lot about how municipal government works in the last four years, and I believe our village board has accomplished a lot in moving Gilberts forward and improving the lives of our residents. I’d like to continue being a voice for families in our community who enjoy the small town atmosphere but also have desire to see our parks/recreation fields developed/maintained and bring more retail and commercial services into the heart of the village. I’ve also really enjoyed working with the other board members, village staff, and residents on new ideas to make Gilberts even better for everyone.

What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

I believe that any resident has the qualifications to run for local office—all it takes is a passion for improving their community. When I ran four years ago, I’d never held any elected positions, but I wanted to get involved in making sure that Gilberts thrived. I’ve learned A LOT in the last four years about how municipal government works and what it takes to keep our village running. I’ve also become more involved in school and community groups, allowing me to get to know residents from all walks of life, from those who’ve lived in the village for decades to those who only recently started calling Gilberts home. I’m someone any resident can approach with an issue and do my best to address their concerns.

What will be your greatest challenge if elected?

Our greatest challenge as a board is the fine line between development that benefits residents and development just for developments sake. We’ve been careful over the last four years to look at each proposal for a new commercial or industrial project and weigh whether the project will benefit the residents or not. We’ve rejected proposals that would locate facilities too close to homes or add truck traffic to already busy roads, and have approved new retail spots to serve both residents and commuters passing through the village. As more land in Gilberts is purchased for development, we must continue to be thoughtful about expanding our tax base without causing unintended consequences to our residents.

Will you attend the March 13th Gilberts Candidate Forum? No, I am not able to attend

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