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NAME: Ed Ritter


Village of Carpentersville Village President

1.  Why are you seeking this position?

Carpentersville has made great strides over the last eight years. We have had stable taxes, excellent village services, a business friendly attitude, a vastly improved network of streets and other infrastructure, and most important a great improvement in our village’s standing among the communities of Kane and McHenry County. I want to continue to be a part of this wonderful transformation.

2.  What experience and background do you have which qualifies you for this position?

I spent four years on the Planning and Zoning Commission, four years as a trustee, eight years as village president, twelve years on the Audit and Finance commission, and eight years on Business Development Commission. In addition I am also the vice chairman of the Kane /Kendall Council of Mayors, And the Kane/Kendall representative to the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus. I am also a member of two different Kane County committees.

3.  What will be your greatest challenge if elected?

We must continue to find ways to streamline our use of resources while maintaining a flat levy. To insure that we can maintain or even reduce our levy, I need to represent Carpentersville at the local level to see that we get all the money available from outside sources. I also need to represent Carpentersville at the state level to protect our share of state resources as well as help keep a lid on unfunded mandates especially in terms of pension mandates.

Release for publication? YES

I will attend the forum? YES

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