Overall, this study finds that there is still room for improvement in transparency with regard to public access to information and, most importantly, acknowledgement of the public’s right to know.  Even when the Forest Preserve Commissioners honestly feel that they know best, and are making the best choices for the people they represent, they must make every effort to comply with the spirit as well as the letter of the law.  They also need to be cognizant of the potential conflict of interest posed by serving on two boards with different missions, and take steps to deal with that conflict in a forthright manner.

There is room for concern that the KCFPD has seen some “mission drift” away from the original intent of preserving the flora, fauna, and scenic beauties of natural lands kept in their natural state.  There has been a blurring of the distinction between a forest preserve district and a park district.  Programs, services, and facilities should be secondary to preservation.  In updating the master plan, the District should reanalyze its priorities and practices to more closely align with the mission statement.  Rather than attempting to provide recreational programs, experiences, and facilities to meet the leisure needs of all ages and interest groups, it should focus on the core mission to preserve the nature of Kane County  – in its natural state – for the education, recreation, and pleasure of its citizens.

And Kane County Forest Preserve District taxpayers should be able to feel confident that when they vote to approve a Forest Preserve referendum, that money will be used to acquire, preserve, and improve Forest Preserve land.  There should be no diversion of  tax money or donations to support other government entities.  Nor should decisions made by the District defer to the interests of the County.  We rely on our elected Forest Preserve Commissioners to represent our interests in preserving the nature of Kane County.

This study was not intended as an indictment of the Forest Preserve District Commissioners and staff.  We strongly support the mission of the District and commend them for the good work they have done  in expanding and restoring our forest preserves.  Rather, it is intended to point out perceived problems and suggest a course correction where necessary.  It is our hope that it will serve as the basis for a continuing discussion of how best to maintain the focus of the Kane County Forest Preserve District on its mission to preserve and protect natural lands.

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